Points: 956
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About me
Katy Perry Stan + 1111 twin flame to KATHERYN ELIZABETH 'KATY' HUDSON/vlogger/blogger/activist/SWIFTIE + Wu Tang Clan disciple. RAF/FRENCH FOREIGN LEGION/KOSOVAN LIBERATION FRONT/MERCANERY/6 UNIVERSITIES-Psychodynamic Psychoanalyst BIRKBECK, LONDON 2023-27. Financial Futures/Commodity Broker. Lifetime member OXFORD UNION since 1993-4. [Link removed - login to see]Lists
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“Katy is a wholesome slut and has lovely erect nipples and a wide open pussy. Her anus is well rounded from BBC pounding and she swallows

"https://twitter.com/i/status/1605875392954470401 @katyperry walking on air #SNL in schoolgirl uniform 2013 #katyperryhot"
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Phoebus Apollo
New age ideology stipulates that the spiritually enlightened individual need not engage in any form of worldly or physically based activism for a global paradigm shift to New Earth, a modern Utopia based on New Age beliefs and desires and attempted manifest”
Phoebus Apollo
New age ideology stipulates that the spiritually enlightened individual need not engage in any form of worldly or physically based activism for a global paradigm shift to New Earth, a modern Utopia based on New Age beliefs and desires and attempted manifest”